Forgotten King / Support: Killer is Me

Descending from Norway armed with the twin hammers of riff and groove, Forgotten King are the heralds of a heady, heavy trip into the cosmos. What began as the solo project of Kal-El guitarist Azul...
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Descending from Norway armed with the twin hammers of riff and groove, Forgotten King are the heralds of a heady, heavy trip into the cosmos. What began as the solo project of Kal-El guitarist Azul Josh morphed into a now full-fledged band, and the four-piece are poised to lay waste to the heavy underground with their brand of euphoric, crushingly weighted psychedelia, stoner, and doom. «De kommer grå og skranglete…. Killer Is Me er fire sultne, halvdøde åtselfugler som fremdeles har skarpe klør og nebb» Litt kryptisk da, men de som kjenner igjen navnet vet hva det går i :)


Enjoy code: 740149
Target groups
Adult, Youth
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