Kirtan Music Party

✨Join us on a journey to inner peace, harmony and joy with kirtan music meditation! Experience profound inner peace and joy Kirtan is an interactive practice that involves singing, chanting and...
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✨Join us on a journey to inner peace, harmony and joy with kirtan music meditation! Experience profound inner peace and joy Kirtan is an interactive practice that involves singing, chanting and sometimes dancing. Feel the calming effects of this ancient meditation practice. Feel the uplifting energy Kirtan meditation together with many other people has an incredibly powerful effect on everyone involved. Come and feel it yourself! Connect Deeply with Others Share in the collective energy of like-minded individuals, creating a powerful, unified experience. Have fun ⁠Get ready to experience joy, inner peace, and a whole lot of fun – all in one melodious, meditative package.⁠ Duration: 1.5 hours ✨Bli med oss på en reise til indre ro, harmoni og glede med kirtan musikkmeditasjon! Varighet: 1,5 timer ✨Приєднуйтесь до нас у подорожі до внутрішнього спокою, гармонії та радості з музичною медитацією! Тривалість: 1,5 години ✨Dołącz do nas w podróży do wewnętrznego spokoju, harmonii i radości z medytacją muzyczną! Czas trwania: 1,5 godziny


Enjoy code: 960761
Target groups
Youth, Elderly, Adult, Kids
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