Billettpris kr. 200,- + avg. 30,-
Døra åpner kl. 19.00 og konsertstart er kl. 20.00 Kjøkkenet er åpent til konserten begynner.
Fire menn spiller spennende jazz - Eller sagt på en annen måte:
"In the deepest part of the norwegian tundra. A measly meter from the permafrost. An organism arose from the primordial soup utside a quebab shop. This made a lot of people happy. Some even jumped into lake Mjøsa in pure unadulterated joy. After much rejoicing the people gathered by the quebab shop entrance; and right there, one blessed evening. They twined their hands in trefoil knots and one tiny goblin sneased and spoke the orgamisms name... PHON! Thus the Phon saga begun".
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