The Great Muppet Caper – 35mm

NB! This screening is free for people who have purchased an NFK-kontingent this semester In the Great Muppet Caper, we see our felt-friends travelling abroad from their beloved United States;...
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NB! This screening is free for people who have purchased an NFK-kontingent this semester

In the Great Muppet Caper, we see our felt-friends travelling abroad from their beloved United States; back to the country from which their ancestors had --so many years ago-- violently expunged themselves; England. The irony of America --now a cultural colonialist power without parallel-- once having founded itself on escaping the clutches of colonialism, is exemplified by Americans visiting their former royal overlords. With great eagerness, the visiting former-subjects marvel at the perceived cultural differences; the language; the cuisine, and the architecture. They visit with optimism, yet somehow tinged with a notion of superiority, from having freed themselves from it, and that they will --sooner or later-- return to their own culture, to which they belong.

This lends itself well to heavy ruminations on the subject of national identity; which is exacerbated greatly by the aforementioned realization of America itself being not-so dissimilar to the country it claims to have separated from. The ancient myth of Ouroboros naturally springs to mind; the great serpent feasting on its own tail with vigour; simultaneously and continually devouring itself and rebirthing itself in some perpetual danse-macabre for an ever-indifferent, apathetic universe to behold...

Come se the Great Muppet Caper, on 35mm at Cinema Neuf!

Jim Henson




97 min


Enjoy code: 354209
Target groups
Youth, Adult, Kids, Elderly
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