Edible Plant Trips with Food samples

Summer is coming, are you ready for the gift from mother nature? Want to bring some wild taste to your table? Right! This edible plant tour is for you! Content: Field Theory, Guided Foraging, Food...
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Praktisk info

Enjoy-kode: 806260
Passer for
Voksne, Eldre, Ungdom

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Summer is coming, are you ready for the gift from mother nature? Want to bring some wild taste to your table? Right! This edible plant tour is for you! Content: Field Theory, Guided Foraging, Food samples using edible plants Language: English Where: Meet-up in front of Hovedbygg (https://maps.app.goo.gl/kwLrGBxmfXdvkNog9) Please fill in the form for allergies and dietary needs at least 1 week before your trip (https://forms.office.com/e/0Qgq1gJUbz), so that DION can inform our tour guide. what to bring: Scissors / Knife Tupperware / Food Boxes / (zip-lock)bags, 5-6 sheets of moist kitchen paper (to bring your catch home) Weather appropriated Clothing Sunnscreen and/or Mosquito repellant* Snacks and Drinks* *Recommended Note: Outdoor pictures might be taken for social media and event reporting purposes. Your point of contact for this event is Fei Song (DION) fei.song@ntnu.no
