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Magasinet - frilufteksperten siden 1991
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Tired of walking up Ulriken the same way over and over again? And you want to start right in front of Fantoft? Then this hike is perfect for you!
You start at the backside of Fantoft walking up this little path to the left. After that path you follow the road until you reach some ugly high buildings. Then you walk two other little paths through and around those buildings. You should then end up at a bigger street next to a KIWI. Behind the KIWI lays the next little very steep shortcut up the hill. It ends at another street which you follow for some hundred meters before turning left. After another hundred meters the actual hiking path starts on the left. There are several signs which mark it. You simply follow this path to Ulriken/Baunahytten. When you arrived at Baunahytten (a little cabin) you continue the path to Ulriken. There are several different possibilities to end up there. The last part is the way down Urlriken. Here as well you can choose between several options. The simpliest way are those steep stairs. When you end up at the cable car station you just have to walk the road down to the bus stop. There you take Bus Nr. 3 to Sletten Senter.
Have fun and "god tur"! :)