Romjulsfestivalen x 1e Juledag: Øyvind Morken + Olefonken

Øyvind Morken | Olefonken Øyvind Morken and Olefonken take one to the basement in the annual tradition. Working off those Christmas calories two-steps at a time, we kick off Romjulsfestivalen in...
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kl 22:00


Øyvind Morken | Olefonken

Øyvind Morken and Olefonken take one to the basement in the annual tradition. Working off those Christmas calories two-steps at a time, we kick off Romjulsfestivalen in 2024. Øyvind Morken and Olefonken channel their shared musical wealth through the wall of sound, with Morken’s schizophrenic delights and Ollis’ deep dives ringing in Christmas at Jaeger. Bringing some of that balearic glimmer to the stark winter in Oslo.

ID: 20

This event is free for personal assistants with the display of a valid “ledsagerbevis”.

Praktisk info

Enjoy-kode: 114520
Passer for
Ungdom, Eldre, Voksne, Barn

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