Sukuma Voice Collective and Traces Gospel Choir are joining together in a concert event not to be missed!
Sukuma is a new voice collective committed to singing music stemming from African heritage
Traces Gospel Choir is a small women’s group with roots in many continents.Traces is a diverse ensemble, with members of different musical backgrounds who sing gospel and positive secular music in Norway and the rest of the world.
Traces is led by Tracee Meyn
Sukuma is led by Trina Coleman
Traces is: Jiah Mariz Nones Macapobre Maren Johanne Andreassen Lie Gul Øzerk Monica Lystad Laetitia Luhembwe Nanna Coulibaly Skjold Siv Iren Misund Trine-Line Biong Valentiner Tracee Meyn
Sukuma is: Adrian Lara Anita Antal Embla Thorjussen Kulset Emma A. K Jada Grace Nzuzi Di Mboma Ina Kristin Ullenes Jercathleen Reyes Loding Michael Mikael Bucknavage Ole Snulf Marius Støle Philippa Taube Sikia Masters Heien Sofus Sverressønn Finne Susanne Heger Viviane Santiago Trina Coleman
Pianist Sigurd Ose