Abdullah Qureshi: We Were Never Meant to Survive

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Enjoy-kode: 527649
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Ungdom, Voksne, Eldre


Abdullah Qureshi is a Pakistan-born artist, curator, and educator. Rooted in traditions of abstraction, he incorporates gestural, poetic, and hybrid methodologies to address autobiography, trauma, and sexuality, through painting, filmmaking, and immersive events.

Drawing from childhood memories, everyday surroundings, and intimate encounters, recurring motifs in his two-dimensional work are interior objects, abstract landscapes, and faceless portraits. In moving image and durational projects, Qureshi situates artistic concerns from the personal into more expansive conversations on critical histories, visual culture, and social justice. His films take a camp performance-based approach to portray scenes, symbols, and non-linear narratives that extend his visual language, questions on identity, and queer genealogies outside the Western canon.

Working with long-term collaborators, Qureshi’s curating, cultural programming, pedagogy, and writings further articulate his inquiries in feminist, LGBTIQ2S+, decolonial, anti-racist, and migratory discourses. Centring Black and People of Colour perspectives, he engages collective modes of creative thinking, organisation, and production. Through his ongoing doctoral project, Mythological Migrations: Imagining Queer Muslim Utopias, he examines formations of queer identity and resistance in Muslim migratory contexts.
