"Abigail's Party," written by Mike Leigh, is a dark comedy set in 1970s suburban England. The play revolves around a social gathering hosted by the pretentious and controlling Beverly Moss and her passive-aggressive husband, Laurence. They invite their new neighbours, Angela and Tony Cooper, and the lonely divorcee, Susan Lawson, who is the mother of the titular Abigail, a teenager hosting her own party offstage. As the evening unfolds, Beverly's superficial charm and passive aggression create a tension-filled atmosphere. The guests endure awkward conversations, forced politeness, and escalating conflicts fuelled by alcohol and Beverly's relentless need to control the evening.
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Enjoy-kode: 356219
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22/03 2025 kl 19:30
22/03 2025 kl 19:30
The Bear Pit Theatre Rother Street STRATFORD-UPON-AVON
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