According To Schedule - Arcade Players


‘According to Schedule’ is a farce, intending to give you, the audience, a good evenings’ entertainment, and when it’s performed by the Arcade Players we are confident that you will enjoy the experience.

The impending visit of Nina to show off her new fiancé Sam to her family is beset with all sorts of problems, especially when Aunt Minnie is involved.

To make the day run smoothly her sister prepares a schedule of what happens, when and by whom. This goes to pot when the identity of the fiancé is revealed and a ‘blast from the past’ revelation of Aunt Minnie’s youth time occupation is uncovered.

Things get even more frantic by trying to keep it all a secret, but when Sam’s father appears and his secret is out, chaos prevails.

Praktisk info

Enjoy-kode: 958176
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Tilgjengelige billetter

31/10 2024 kl 19:30
Chatsworth Centre And Duchess Theatre The Chatsworth Centre West Gate NOTTINGHAM
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