AdLibretto presents ... a night of improvised comedy, drama and musicals

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AdLibretto presents an evening of improvised comedy featuring three of London's most exciting impro groups, followed by an improvised musical.

Slack Captains: "Trouble in an English Village". A very English narrative where the audience names the village where fun and chaos occur. Kerfuffle: high energy comedy impro games. Blanche Improv: featuring its brilliant Harold house team.

AdLibretto has created well over 60 original musicals in a little over two years, featuring the life and childhood dreams of a member of the audience. How is that even possible? You can get a glimpse of how we do it in the film at the foot of our website [].


£10 if you can afford it; £5 if you are feeling a bit skint; or free if you don't have two pennies to rub together but would still like to see the show.

Please support the venue by buying drinks ... perhaps ordering one of their epic pizzas ... perhaps even popping down early for a game of crazy golf.

Praktisk info

Enjoy-kode: 298717
Passer for
Voksne, Ungdom, Eldre