Rydym yn falch iawn i allu croesawu Al Lewis i'r Oriel Mission, Abertawe fel rhan o daith unigryw mewn partneriaeth Thrafnidiaeth Cymru!
Gyda 2025 yn dynodi 200 mlynedd ers sefydlur rheilffordd fodern; bydd Al nid yn unig yn ymweld rhannau newydd or wlad, ond hefyd yn ymgymryd dull fwy amgylcheddol a chymdeithasol o deithio, gan ddangos sut y gall cerddorion wneud eu rhan i helpu ni i leihau ein hl troed carbon.
We are delighted to welcome Al Lewis to the Mission Gallery, Swansea as part of a unique tour in partnership with Transport for Wales!
With 2025 being the 200th anniversary of the modern railway; travelling by rail, Al will not only experience new parts of the country, but also practise a more environmentally and socially conscious approach to touring and show how musicians can do their bit to help reduce our combined carbon footprint.
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15/05 2025 kl 19:00