"And Then There Were None," written by Agatha Christie, is a gripping mystery play based on her novel of the same name. The story unfolds on a remote island where ten strangers, each with a hidden past, are invited by a mysterious host. As they gather, they discover that none of them have actually met their host. Each guest is accused of a crime they committed in the past and soon, one by one, they begin to die in ways that eerily match the verses of a nursery rhyme. As the number of survivors dwindles, paranoia and fear intensify, leading to shocking revelations and suspenseful twists. The play is a masterful exploration of guilt, justice, and retribution, maintaining a tense atmosphere as the characters try to unmask the killer among them. With its clever plot and unexpected ending.
"And Then There Were None" remains one of Christie's most famous and enduring works.
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09/06 2025 kl 19:30