Com-pàirteachas | Partnership - LAS present Sian

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Air an toirt còmhla an toiseach aig Fèis Blas ann an 2016, gus bàrdachd nam ban a thoirt gu aire dhaoine, tha triùir de na seinneadairean òga Gàidhlig as fheàrr an-diugh ann an Sian – Ceitlin Lilidh, Eilidh NicCarmaig agus Ellen NicDhòmhnaill – còmhla ri Innes MacIlleBhàin air a bheil fèill mhòr mar neach-ciùil.

Originally brought together by the Blas festival in 2016, to celebrate the work of female bards, Sian comprises three of today’s most exquisitely gifted young Gaelic singers - Ceitlin Lilidh, Eilidh Cormack and Ellen MacDonald – accompanied by in-demand multi-instrumentalist (and fellow Gaelic speaker) Innes White.

Praktisk info

Enjoy-kode: 228667
Passer for
Eldre, Ungdom, Voksne