Praktisk info
Tilgjengelige billetter
24/05 2025 kl 18:00
Once again, there will be a great selection of cask and keg beers, as well as a dedicated Cider Bar. And our regular Centre Bar will also be open, for wines, sprits and soft drinks.
The annual festival helps to raise funds for Southwick Community Centre. But mainly it's about welcoming people to an event that is very sociable and enormous fun.
There arethree separate sessions over the Friday and Saturday. So come and enjoy a session or two - or all three !
If you want to come to both of the Saturday sessions, you can buy an 'all-day' (two sessions) Saturday ticket. Just click the "book now" button for Saturday afternoon
- and then select the "all day" option at 13 (a 2 saving!)
Children under 16 free on Saturday afternoon. No other concessions. UNDER-18s MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY AN ADULT Please note: no dogs, except Assistance Dogs
Further details
- including information about music and entertainment - availablehere [ lGLvAFZn2Xm-pf3gzUhtPHiO/view?usp=sharing] [ lGLvAFZn2Xm-pf3gzUhtPHiO/view?usp=sharing] []