Choir workshop

Denne aktiviteten er allerede gjennomført eller markert som utgått.


What about finding out?

An opportunity to sing in a workshop with members of Fishguard Choir , a local Choir that has existed for almost 40 years - under the leadership of Amanda Lawrence from Goodwick. A chance to enjoy singing in an informal atmosphere

  • No Pressure
  • No Expectations
  • Just an enjoyable hour

Oes Gennyt Lais?

Beth am ffindio mas? Cyfle I ganu mewn gweithdy gydag aelodau Côr Abergwaun , Côr lleol sydd wedi bodoli ers bron 40 mlynedd- dan arweinyddiaeth Amanda Lawrence o Wdig. Siawns I ymarfer canu mewn awyrgylch anffurfiol

  • Dim Pwysau
  • Dim Disgwyliadau
  • Dim ond Joio! (am awr fach) - a Coffi I ddilyn! Mae tystiolaeth fod canu yn dda i’r corff a’r meddwl, felly dewch yn llu. Croeso I ddechreuwyr a chantorion mwy profiadol.

Praktisk info

Enjoy-kode: 810850
Passer for
Voksne, Eldre, Ungdom