Com-pàirteachas | Partnership CnaG aig 40

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Oidhche shònraichte gus 40 bliadhna de Chomunn na Gàidhlig a chomharrachadh, 40 bliadhna de leasachadh na Gàidhlig air feadh Alba.

A-measg na bhios mar phàirt den oidhche bidh; Cairistiona Cheanadadh, Ruairidh MacCarmaig, Island's Cèilidh Band, Amy NicAoidh, Koren Pickering, Òigridh Fèis Taigh Dhonnchaidh agus eile.

A special night of Gaelic music and song to celebrate Comunn na Gàidhlig at 40, featuring a host of the finest musicians and Gaelic singers, including; Kristine Kennedy, Ruaraidh Cormack, Amy NicAoidh, Koren Pickering, Islands Ceilidh Band, Òigridh Fèis Taigh Dhonnchaidh and many more

Praktisk info

Enjoy-kode: 987095
Passer for
Voksne, Eldre, Ungdom