Crossing Paths Parade - Journeys Festival 2024


Come and join us on Saturday afternoon for the Crossing Paths Parade, our celebration of the festival weaving its way towards Jubilee Square and ending in a mass participatory dance spectacle!

Expertly led by Leicester's own Moving Together, this joyous community event brings together talented people of all ages from across the city in a piece inspired by unity, local pride and belonging.

Groups from Cross Corners, The Grove and Highfields Centre will be taking part.

Our parade will begin at the Clock Tower at 3pm and end on Jubilee Square with a grand finale for all to join in!

Praktisk info

Enjoy-kode: 600318
Passer for
Voksne, Barn, Ungdom, Eldre

Tilgjengelige billetter

12/10 2024 kl 15:00
Clock Tower East Gates LEICESTER
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