"Dad's Army " adapted from the beloved British television series by Jimmy Perry and David Croft, brings the timeless humor and camaraderie of the Home Guard to the stage. Set during World War II, the play follows the misadventures of Captain Mainwaring and his motley crew of local volunteers as they defend their small town against the ever-present threat of invasion. With a mix of slapstick comedy, witty banter, and heartwarming moments, the characters' bumbling antics and brave spirit capture the essence of British resilience.
This theatrical adaptation preserves the charm and nostalgia of the original series while providing fresh laughs and engaging performances. Audiences will delight in the familiar personalities and timeless humor that have made "Dad's Army" an enduring favorite. Don't miss the chance to experience this hilarious and endearing tribute to one of Britain's most cherished comedies, promising an evening of laughter and good old-fashioned fun.
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21/01 2025 kl 19:30