Das Koolies

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Yn dilyn eu set yn Gŵyl Tawe 2024, rydym wrth ein boddau i gyhoeddi bydd Das Koolies yn dychwelyd i Abertawe ym mis Hydref ar gyfer gig arbennig yn y Bunkhouse! Disgwyliwch storm o techno meddwol gan bedwar o’r Super Furry Animals - Huw Bunford, Cian Ciarán, Daf Ieuan and Guto Pryce - gan berfformio traciau o’u halbwm cyntaf amrywiol, DK.01.

Following their headline show at Gŵyl Tawe 2024, we are delighted to announce that Das Koolies will return to Swansea this October for a special gig at The Bunkhouse! Expect a heady, tumbling tech torrent from the four Super Furry Animals - Huw Bunford, Cian Ciarán, Daf Ieuan and Guto Pryce – with tracks from their expansive debut album, DK.01.

Praktisk info

Enjoy-kode: 437838
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Eldre, Ungdom, Voksne