Ercu Come & Sing

Denne aktiviteten er allerede gjennomført eller markert som utgått.


Come & Sing Brahms Requiem

Chorus Director: Michael Bawtree

Timetable: 10:00 Registration 10:30-12:30 Rehearsal 12:30-1:30 Lunch break 1:30-3:30 Rehearsal 3:30-4:00 Tea break and audience arrival 4:30-5:30 Performance

Scores Hire of score is included in ticket price. We will be using the Peters edition and sing in German.

Refreshments Tea and coffee will be provided in the breaks. Lunch is not provided, but there are cafés and supermarkets nearby on Lothian Road and Princes Street.

Please ensure you pick your voice part. If you are booking more than one ticket, please email with the names and voice parts of all your group members and the name of the booker after you've booked the tickets, thank you.

Praktisk info

Enjoy-kode: 432251
Passer for
Eldre, Voksne, Ungdom