Once upon a time, there was a young teenage called Kevin who was sick and tired of his parents. And so, one day he makes his Christmas wish. A wish granted by a very special elf. For as we all know, wishes are granted by Christmas elves. They can't help themselves. Kevin's wish for there never to be a Christmas ever again is granted by a disgruntled Ellery who has been made redundant by the big Mr C himself (there's a financial crisis don't you know). Will Ellery and his pet Betty the Yeti ever leave the outside lavatory? Will Barbara and Arthur Kevin's long suffering parents remember who they are? And will Agatha, Gabriel, Cupid, Seraphina and Angelic save the day? Well, you'll have to buy a ticket to find out. This Carrie Smattick reporting to you from downtown 'Diff, back to you Al in the studio.