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My God, what a man.

He is unreachable, unobtainable, inflexible, and irrational; everything I look for in a lover.

For the Love of God is a solo rom com exploring the ultimate unrequited love, through the ultimate unobtainable lover.

Through this completely farcical solo show, the audience are taken on a journey of betrayal, loneliness, love, and eroticism.

Sitting somewhere between theatre, cabaret, comedy and queer performance, this show celebrates and encourages not only our filthiest urges but also to view all our love as something sacred.

Book your ticket now to hear the longest and holiest love story ever told.

Please note this show contains blackout and flashing lights.

Praktisk info

Enjoy-kode: 597847
Passer for
Ungdom, Voksne, Eldre