Gala Youth Christmas Charity Concert


Following two absolutely stellar charity concerts with Desford Colliery Band and the Tredegar Town Band which raised over 4000 for various charities, the brass and choir theme continues into 2025 but this time with a celebration of youth as we welcome probably the country's finest Youth Brass Band to Shropshire, the Beaumaris Youth Band from Anglesey, conducted by Peter Cowlishaw. They will be joined by the award winning Wrekin College Chapel Choir (four time Barnardo's Youth Choir of the Year finalists) and Wrekin Prep (formally Old Hall) Choir. Over 150 young people will be giving up their Saturday evening to raise money for two charities, one based in Anglesey and the other one the Midlands Air Ambulance.

Praktisk info

Enjoy-kode: 270222
Passer for
Ungdom, Eldre, Voksne

Tilgjengelige billetter

29/11 2025 kl 19:00
Wrekin College Chapel Sutherland Road Wellington TELFORD
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