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“Because whatever has happened to humanity, whatever is currently happening, it is happening to us all. No matter how far off the screams of pain and terror, we live in one world.” (Alice Walker) //

Premiere of an experimental play that takes for its structure the four parts of the Geneva Convention – Wounded & Sick / Maritime / Prisoners of War / Civilians – to tell an ancient/contemporary story of the random depravity of war and its existential / psychological impacts for those who are involved and those who are not.

The work grows out of an international collaboration between local writer/theatremaker Mark C. Hewitt and renowned Norwegian percussionist/composer Thomas Strønen. Stylised and kaleidoscopic, the fractured evolving narrative is performed by 4 actresses from 4 different countries, variously delivering lines in English, French, Polish and a smattering of other languages.

Written & directed by Mark C. Hewitt. Performed by Marta Carvalho, Leann O'Kasi, Melissa Sirol, Maria Ziołkowska. Music by Thomas Strønen, performed and recorded by Time Is A Blind Guide. Technical design by Paul Phillips. Videography by Matt Parsons. Movement consultant: Miriam King.

Praktisk info

Enjoy-kode: 319235
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