
In a strict boarding school nestled in the Himalayas, 16-year-old Mira discovers desire and romance, but her sexual, rebellious awakening is disrupted by her mother, who never got to come of age herself. Directed by Shuchi Talati and starring Preeti Panigrahi, this is a stirring portrait of adolescence and a fresh and distinctive look at the inner worlds of a new generation and how that fits with tradition and expected ways of behaving. Winner of the Audience Award and Best Actress Awards at the Sundance Film Festival 2024. Save money with Eden Court Friends. Audio Description- Live (theatre) or recorded (cinema) verbal description for blind and visually impaired audience members. Special receivers are available at the Box Office and can be used on their own or in conjunction with your hearing aid. Please book seats in the middle for the best reception.

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Enjoy-kode: 577157
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17/10 2024 kl 20:00
Eden Court Theatre and Cinema Bishop's Road INVERNESS
I samarbeid med The List