Historic Building Mythbusting – James Wright Talk

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Praktisk info

Enjoy-kode: 340870
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Eldre, Voksne, Ungdom


Uncovering Folklore, History and Archaeology

Go to any ancient building and there will be interesting, exciting, and romantic stories presented to the visitor. They are commonly believed and widely repeated – but are they really true? These stories include those of secret passages linking ancient buildings, spiral staircases in castles giving advantage to right-handed defenders, ship timbers used in the construction of buildings on land, blocked doors in churches which are thought to keep the Devil out and claims to be the oldest pub in the country.

In this talk, archaeologist James Wright will explain the development of such myths and investigate the underlying truths behind them. Sometimes the realities hiding behind the stories are even more interesting, romantic, and exciting than the myth itself…

There will be a Q&A after the talk and a chance to get your booked signed.

Copies of James’ book will be available to purchase on the day.

Tickets cost £6 per person

Pre-booking essential.