Llais y Delyn / The Harp's Voice gyda/with Alys Mererid Roberts

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Llais y Delyn Ymunwch a'r soprano Alys Mererid Roberts (WNO, Opera Canolbarth Cymru) a'r delynores gydwladol gwobrwyedig Glain Dafydd ar daith drwy ganrifoedd o gerddoriaeth ar gyfer y llais a'r delyn. Dyma ddatganiad a fydd yn cynnwys cerddoriaeth hyfryd o gyfnod y Baroc hyd at y dydd heddiw a Britten. Dewch i ddarfanfod harddwch a hud y delyn glasurol.

The Harp's Voice Join soprano Alys Mererid Roberts (WNO, MidWales Opera) and award-winning international harpist Glain Dafydd on a journey through centuries of music for the harp & voice. This recital will include exquisite music from the Baroque period through to Britten and the present day. Come and discover the beauty and magic of the classical harp.

Noddir gan/Sponsored by The Chapman Charitable Trust

Praktisk info

Enjoy-kode: 839641
Passer for
Voksne, Eldre, Ungdom