Lord Byron: Dangerous to Know


July 1841, Claire Clairmont, Lord Byron’s former mistress, has just laid her mother to rest before heading back to Italy. However, a letter with a secret passed to Claire at the funeral has raked up painful memories about their scandalous affair and a nagging conviction that she must uncover the truth.

Resolving she cannot do this alone, Claire co-opts her half sister, Mary Shelley, author of ‘Frankenstein’ to help. After all, Mary was part of the Byron set; she’ll know what to do. However, the past is sordid, murky and digging for answers requires getting your hands dirty. And are they prepared for what will be unearthed?

CLAIR/OBSCUR [CONCEPTION, SOE, A NECESSARY WOMAN] offers a reappraisal of Byron on the 200th anniversary of his death.

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25/09 2024 kl 20:00
The Old Town Hall High Street HEMEL HEMPSTEAD
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