Hedd Wyn - Pam ein bod ni’n cofio?
Dros gan mlynedd ers marwolaeth a champ Eisteddfodol y Prifardd Hedd Wyn, dyma gyfle i blant Cymru glywed ei stori drist ond ysbrydoledig.
Gyda’r Rhyfel Byd Cyntaf yn gefnlen, bydd cyfle i’r plant fod yn rhan o’r stori a dysgu am ddyfalbarhad y bardd wrth iddo geisio gwireddu ei freuddwyd o ennill cadair yr Eisteddfod Genedlaethol.
Dewch ar daith i ddysgu mwy am yr unigolyn arbennig yma a’i ran pwysig yn hanes Cymru.
Hedd Wyn – Why we must never forget.
Over a hundred years since the death and Eisteddfod achievement of chief poet Hedd Wyn in 1917, we are pleased to present an unique opportunity for the children of Wales to learn about his heartbreaking but inspiring story and to commemorate the bard of the Black Chair.
Set against the backdrop of the First World War, the children will play an integral part in the production whilst learning about Hedd Wyn’s talent, determination and perseverance to win the coveted Eisteddfod Chair.
We invite you join us to learn more about this special individual and the important role he played in the history of Wales.