
Psychological thriller by Anthony HorowitzDirected by Debbie Ellison The story unfolds as Mark Styler, a renowned author of ‘true crime’ sensationalist novels, attempts to secure an interview with Easterman, a famed serial killer. Little does he know the world he’s stepping into. His first challenge is to navigate past Dr. Farquhar, the eccentric head of Fairfields, the institution where Easterman is housed. However, as he delves deeper, he realises that appearances can be deceiving. Questions start to pile up: Who is the enigmatic figure known as Borson? What is the origin of the meat in the fridge? And why is the closet devoid of a skeleton? Monday, 27th January 2025 to Saturday, 1st February 2025

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Enjoy-kode: 371019
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28/01 2025 kl 19:30
Keighley Playhouse 5 Devonshire Street KEIGHLEY
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