Nine the musical

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Mae'r addasiad cerddorol ysblennydd o’r ffilm 8½ gan Fellini yn cynnwys un dyn a'r dwsinau o fenywod yn ei fywyd. Mae'r cyfarwyddwr ffilm enwog ond byrbwyll Guido Contini, gan ildio i bwysau ffilmio ei ffilm epig ddiweddaraf, yn dioddef argyfwng canol oed. Fesul un, mae menywod o'i orffennol a'i bresennol – gan gynnwys ei fam, ei wraig, ei feistres, a'i brif actores – yn ei blagio, ei gyfarwyddo, ei geryddu, ei hudo a'i annog nes iddo ddysgu tyfu i fyny o'r diwedd.

The spectacular musical adaptation of Fellini's 8 ½ features one man and the dozens of women in his life. Celebrated but impetuous film director Guido Contini, succumbing to the pressures of filming his latest film epic, suffers a midlife crisis. One by one, women from his past and present – including his mother, his wife, his mistress, and his leading lady – haunt, instruct, scold, seduce and encourage him until he finally learns to grow up.

Llyfr gan / Book by Arthur Kopit Cerddoriaeth a geiriau gan /Music and Lyrics by Maury Yeston

Praktisk info

Enjoy-kode: 608640
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