Not Just a Craft or Profession: Bet Low and JD Fergusson

Despite a 50-year age difference, artists Bet Low and JD Fergusson had a surprising crossover in their careers. These connections emerged after Fergusson returned from France at the outbreak of the...
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Ungdom, Voksne, Eldre


Despite a 50-year age difference, artists Bet Low and JD Fergusson had a surprising crossover in their careers. These connections emerged after Fergusson returned from France at the outbreak of the Second World War and chose to live in Glasgow.

This year, 2024 marks the 100th anniversary of Bet Low’s birth and in this talk, Hildegarde Berwick will explore Bet Low’s work and the connections between these remarkable Scottish artists.

Bet Low had an eventful 50+ year career in this city, which started creating theatre sets in the second half of the 1940s for Glasgow Unity Theatre. In 1956, Bet co-organised probably the first open-air painting exhibition in Glasgow on the railings of the Botanic Gardens, a short distance from where Fergusson lived. Always pursuing opportunities to promote her work, and that of other young ambitious artists, she co-founded the New Charing Cross Gallery in 1963 located on Sauchiehall Street.

Hildegarde Berwick

Hildegarde studied History of Fine Art and Psychology at Glasgow University and a post-graduate Diploma at Manchester University. She has held several curatorial roles in galleries across Scotland, including Fine and Applied Art Officer at Perth Museum and Art Gallery and later co-managing the opening of Kirkcudbright Galleries in 2018. She has also worked for Scottish charities in a governance role. Hildegarde is now pursuing several research projects, including the life and work of Glasgow based artist, Bet Low.
