Pat Cahill: St Julian's Social Club

Denne aktiviteten er allerede gjennomført eller markert som utgått.


I bring you my latest bunch of concerns, linked by very little or a lot if you’re a keen psychiatrist. There’ll be songs, spider/dog dances, stories and the company of a man who has been nicknamed respectively- pathead, paddy c and ‘the wasp’.

‘One of the strangest and most satisfying hours of the Festival.’ ★★★★★ Edfestmag

★★★★★ Shortcom

★★★★ Metro

★★★★ Timeout

★★★★ The Skinny

★★★★ Fest

Age guideline: 14+

The ticket price includes a £1 restoration levy which goes directly towards the development of the festival

Praktisk info

Enjoy-kode: 642934
Passer for
Ungdom, Voksne, Eldre