Peatbog Faeries

The Skye-based band fuses traditional Scottish pipe and fiddle tunes with jazz, hip hop, reggae and electronic influences.
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The Isle of Skye’s Peatbog Faeries are the outstanding act in Celtic dance music, undisputed trailblazers in their field. Their music is high octane stuff, not for the fainthearted: pipes, flutes and fiddle swirl in a blizzard of electronic beats and hypnotic instrumental workouts. Several times a year they burst out from Skye at full throttle, electrifying audiences and festival stages wherever they go, whether in the UK or across the world, before retreating to the island to recover and brew up yet more instrumental wizardry.

Praktisk info

Enjoy-kode: 626030
Passer for
Ungdom, Eldre, Voksne