Professional Lunchtime Concert


Hemsted Park is once again delighted to invite you to attend any of the following free concerts which are part of the Benenden School calendar. This Autumn will see two professional lunchtime recitals, as well as performances by Benenden’s Music Scholars. This concert will feature D’Arcy Trinkwon , an Internationally acclaimed virtuoso musician. D’Arcy will play a programme of works including Bach & Liszt on the Centenary Hall's magnificent organ.

The programme will demonstrate the new organ to the its fullest majesty and colour in a variety of music. One Georgian London’s most prominent musicians, Festing is heard in his Variations whose charm, freshness and variety are a delight. A pupil of Messiaen, Charpentier was head of music at Radio France for many years: his apocalyptic vision of a trumpet-blowing angel was inspired by Revelations and is presented by vivid colours and energy. Liszt’s epic Ad nos is one of the pivotal works in the organ’s repertoire: a towering edifice of virtuosity, it offers a true spiritual journey inspired by the tune of Meyebeer’s opera The Prophet and builds to a magnificent, quite overwhelming conclusion.

“D’Arcy Trinkwon is a master of phrasing and the sensitivity of his artistry gives new life to the great Romantic works… Apart from his great awareness of nuances, it is this gifted musician’s mastery of colour that allows him to further illuminate unimagined perspectives in often complex works… Trinkwon earned enthusiastic applause for his technically immaculate playing and his great virtuosity.

His splendid, but nevertheless subtle virtuosity combined with considerable artistic integrity to demonstrate that he is one of the really great artists of his genre.” Münich Merkur

"The supremely gifted organ virtuoso D’Arcy Trinkwon.... His subtle yet magisterial command of the instrument was spell-binding: he knows no technical difficulties and his playing was in total accord.” The Organ

“So much infectious joy radiates from his performance that purists could suffer severe pangs of guilt.” Organists Review

“Trinkwon’s sartorial flamboyance... is almost determinedly at odds with his demeanor when playing; he is focused, facially undemonstrative, and utterly commanding." MusicWeb International

Website: / YouTube channel: Virtuoso Organ Music

Enquiries about any of the free events should be directed to FIND US:

Praktisk info

Enjoy-kode: 231010
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Ungdom, Voksne, Eldre

Tilgjengelige billetter

08/11 2024 kl 13:30
Centenary Hall Hemsted Park Benenden School CRANBROOK
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