Reduce – Reuse - Recycle Crochet Workshop with Karen Thomson

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Praktisk info

Enjoy-kode: 691648
Mat & drikke
Passer for
Voksne, Eldre, Ungdom


10.30am - 3.30pm Don’t throw away your old clothes! Come along to this fun workshop and learn how to turn your old clothes into new crochet items. We’ll start the day learning how to make yarn from an old T shirt and when you have enough yarn made and wound you can get started on your project. Maybe you’d like to start with something small like coasters, or if you have lots of old T Shirts to transform into a rug! We will also explore how to reuse other items of clothing to make yarn and discover the many things you can make with recycled yarn from old clothes. If you can make chains and trebles, then this workshop is for you. Just bring along an old T Shirt and a size 12 crochet hook (recommend a knit pro). In the afternoon you’ll have an opportunity to make a crocheted flower from some vibrant recycled fabric. Karen loves unlocking the mysteries and wellbeing benefits of crochet in a busy world. Booking is essential. Book on the link or by calling our reception on 0131 529 3993.
