Rhythm of the Dance


Rhythm of the Dance will return to the UK in 2025, its 26th year of touring the world in over 50 countries.

Featuring world class musicians who play live on stage, star vocalists singing live and world champion dancers, this mesmerising show is a completely captivating experience of pulsating rhythms with slick choreography performed at lightning speed.

Join us on this thrilling journey that is Irish in essence, through the country's ancient history to the modern, urban Ireland that we see today, bursting with talent.

Please note, a £2 ticket commission fee is included in the price of the ticket.

If you require a carer ticket, or have any accessibility requirements please book your tickets over the phone by calling 01242 528 764. The lines are open 9.00am – 5.00pm, Monday – Friday.

Praktisk info

Enjoy-kode: 848292
Passer for
Voksne, Barn, Ungdom, Eldre

Tilgjengelige billetter

26/07 2025 kl 19:00
William Aston Hall Glyndwr University Mold Road WREXHAM
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