Shechter II - From England with Love


The multi-layered complexity of England takes centre stage in Hofesh Shechter’s compelling new work for Shechter II.

From England with love is an ode to this intricate and beautiful country. Through Shechter’s choreography, the dancers evoke the paradox at the heart of this open, generous and soul – searching place, conflicted by its dark history and powerful attachment to old traditions. They draw us into their search for identity and self-knowledge as they grapple with this complex system of values.

Performed to a rich score that combines the breath-taking sounds of English composers, presented in a clash with raging rock alongside echoes of choir and electronics in an avant-garde cacophony.

Praktisk info

Enjoy-kode: 513832
Passer for
Ungdom, Voksne, Barn, Eldre

Tilgjengelige billetter

24/09 2024 kl 19:30
Grand Theatre 33 Church Street BLACKPOOL
I samarbeid med The List