
DJMJ is an amateur dramatics company passionately dedicated to bringing captivating shows for children of all ages and abilities to the stage at the Bob Hope Theatre in Eltham. Our vibrant community thrives on creativity, camaraderie, and the joy of theatrical expression.

At DJMJ, we boast a team of exceptionally talented and committed staff who skillfully choreograph, direct, and arrange music for our productions. They play a pivotal role in guiding our diverse group through the rehearsal process, ensuring that each performance is a magical and memorable experience for both our cast and audience.

Prepare to be whisked away to the enchanting world of fairy tales as DJMJ proudly presents its upcoming blockbuster production – "Shrek"!

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Enjoy-kode: 206364
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Tilgjengelige billetter

04/10 2024 kl 19:30
The Bob Hope Theatre Wythfield Road LONDON
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