British DJ and production duo, consisting of Dave Whelan and Mike Di Scala. CamelPhat formed in Liverpool in 2004.
Tema: Funk
Aktiviteter tagget med Funk
Eighties soul balladeer who incited imaginary love interests everywhere to 'Get Outta My Dreams, Get Into My Car'.
Eighties soul balladeer who incited imaginary love interests everywhere to 'Get Outta My Dreams, Get Into My Car'.
Eighties funk pop band back on the road again, singing old favourites including 'Running in the Family' and 'Lessons in Love' as well as newer tracks.
The Vaselines / Django Django (DJ Set) / Sacred Paws / Vic Galloway & Andy Wake Keep the party going on New Year’s Day with a much-needed boost of VITAMIN C, as Vic Galloway (BBC Radio Scotland) &...
Eighties funk pop band back on the road again, singing old favourites including 'Running in the Family' and 'Lessons in Love' as well as newer tracks.