The Folk Bus Presents: Trickster Makes This World


The Trickster is common archetype in much of the world's folklore and mythology, always ruining everything for everyone with their silly pranks, but somehow managing to make the world a better place... almost by accident.

From Crow and Coyote from Native American folklore, to the Norse god Loki, to the Greek Hermes, to the African Spider god Anansi, the world is full of tricksters.

Theyre reflections of us: good and bad, wise and foolish, all at the same time.

So come on a journey around the globe, exploring the traditional folklore of the trickster, with performance storyteller Oliver Lavery and folk musician Tamsin Quin, and find out how the Trickster makes this World....

The Folk Bus was set up by Storyteller Oliver Lavery and Folk Musician Tamsin Quin from the back of their huge green travelling bus, with the idea to bring traditional oral storytelling delights to audiences around the world.

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Enjoy-kode: 160826
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19/09 2024 kl 19:30
Burdall's Yard 7A Anglo Terrace BATH
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