
The Last Five Years is a musical written by Jason Robert Brown. It premiered at Chicago's Northlight Theatre in 2001 and was then produced off-Broadway in March 2002. The story explores a five-year relationship between Jamie Wellerstein, a rising novelist, and Cathy Hiatt, a struggling actress. The show uses a form of storytelling in which Jamie's story is told in chronological order (starting just after the couple have first met) and Cathy's story is told in reverse chronological order (beginning the show at the end of the marriage). The characters do not directly interact except for one song in the middle as their timelines intersect.

Performed by two of the most celebrated musical theatre performers in North Yorkshire and accompanied by a live band....this is a musical theatre experience you don't want to miss.

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17/10 2024 kl 19:30
National Centre For Early Music St Margaret's Church YORK
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