The Players Keep: Dungeons & Dragons LIVE in Manchester


Watch LIVE as the Dawntakers continue their journey through the continent of Belladryn. On this land Willow, Toni, Cricket, Saedie, Nakani and Siggy continue their adventures: the search for the hidden location of the Sword of Songs; any and all information about the mysterious Nexus Points; and to carry out the whims and biddings of their completely and totally just deities... Set in the home-brew world of I'Ilthansia, created by Dungeon Master Jack Fletcher, a world teaming with new species, subclasses, and a devastating history, what darkness might await the Dawntakers on their next steps? Join us LIVE at The Feel Good Club, Manchester.

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Enjoy-kode: 567116
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24/10 2024 kl 19:00
Feel Good Club 26-28 Hilton Street MANCHESTER
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