The Science Of Eating For A Healthier Life

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Enjoy-kode: 278708
Mat & drikke
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Ungdom, Eldre, Voksne


Join scientist and nutritionist Dr Federica Amati as she discusses her ground-breaking Sunday Times bestseller Every Body Should Know This and explores the real science behind nutrition. Medical scientist and Head Nutritionist at ZOE, Dr Federica Amati delves into the key topics of Every Body Should Know This, such as the truth surrounding superfoods and ultra-processed foods, why nutrition plays a crucial role from before conception to senior years, how food choices can support longevity and targeted tips for good health at each life stage. We will also explore how dietary trends are changing around the world as a result of globalisation, urbanisation and economic growth—and the impact that these changing diets, and a better understanding of nutrition, can have upon global health. Join us for a thought-provoking insight into what food works for the bodies and minds of you, your loved ones and your global neighbours. Speakers: Dr Federica Amati—Medical scientist, Head Nutritionist at ZOE and author of Sunday Times Bestseller Every Body Should Know This. Further speakers to be announced. Following the event, Dr Federica Amati will sign copies of Every Body Should Know This at 20.00. Books are available to pre-order with a ticket, or to purchase on the night.
