Totally Thames double bill: Shama Rahman x Daughter of the Water


hama Rahman is a Singer, Sitar player, Scientist, Composer and Explorer.

She takes the sitar out of the traditional context, composing and performing across genres including, jazz, psychedelia, live electronica, hip-hop, drum ’n’ bass, worldbeats, Indian/western classical melodies, folk storytelling and beat poetry.

Her poetic songs draw inspiration from my Bangladeshi roots, the childhood desert landscapes of the Middle East, and London’s vibrant urban energy. Shama's compositions reflect multiculturalism and embody diversity in all its forms.

“Imagine Dead Can Dance and Björk getting together in a folk club, to make jazzy trip-hop records… with sitars.” – Songwriting Magazine.

Daughter of the Water is the musical moniker of Sarah Lambert-Gates.

She plays within the genres of folk noir, gothically ethereal, folk, neo-medieval and is inspired by The Mediaeval Baebes, All About Eve, Dead Can Dance, Elizabeth Fraser, Joni Mitchell, Kate Bush to name a few.

“A magical world weaved in reflections and gently rocking waves wrapped in banjo swells and ethereal vocals”(

Praktisk info

Enjoy-kode: 477163
Passer for
Voksne, Eldre, Ungdom

Tilgjengelige billetter

26/09 2024 kl 19:00
The Golden Hinde St Mary Overie Dock Cathedral Street LONDON
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