
To buy tickets - Click "Book Now" and follow the instructions. For event start/finish times - Click the "Event Title" below. For theatre location and map - Click "The Heron Theatre" below. Pijus Jonušas violin Yuuki Bouterey-Ishido cello Kanako Mizuno piano Trio Kagura is a professional piano trio based in Manchester, UK. The trio was founded in 2017 by award winning Japanese pianist Kanako Mizuno and Lithuanian violinist Pijus Jonušas and has recently been joined by New Zealander Yuuki Bouterey-Ishido, a prize-winning cellist with decades of experience in chamber music.

The trio currently performs regularly throughout the north of England, in addition to annual concerts held in Vilnius, Lithuania. The trio’s name takes inspiration from the Japanese word for ritual music and dance that is performed to bring joy and peace to the community.

Praktisk info

Enjoy-kode: 762564
Passer for
Voksne, Ungdom, Eldre

Tilgjengelige billetter

06/10 2024 2:30pm
The Heron Theatre Stanley Street MILNTHORPE
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