Visible Fictions - Up


The odds of perishing in a commercial plane accident are 29.4 million to one. Reassuring. Except if you’re on the one.

As emergency masks plummet, engines squeal and hand baggage flies from the overhead bins, two strangers hold hands. Scared and breathless, their lives flash past as they face their final moments together.

Exploring themes of luck and choice, fate and coincidence and above all what it means to connect with someone, this captivating and thrilling show is a fantasy table-top exploration where time is turned upside down and all the things that matter start to make sense. This huge story is told in a profoundly intimate way.

Praktisk info

Enjoy-kode: 447041
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Tilgjengelige billetter

01/10 2024 kl 13:00
Macrobert Arts Centre University of Stirling STIRLING
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