Wet Cement


Ali has left the madness of mainstream education to pursue a more peacefulcareer as a private tutor. However, when Danny (a neurodivergent man) enlists herhelp to pass his adult GCSE's, she is dragged back into a world of stress andscrutiny, as it appears Danny is one of her ex-students who she had a hand inexpelling...

Now Danny wants Ali to take accountability for her failings as ateacher. But Ali wants Danny to take accountability for his actions as astudent...

Can a compromise be reached before either hit breaking point, or willhistory tragically repeat itself?

WET CEMENT is a new piece of thought-provoking theatre which explores contemporary issues, the student/teacher relationship, neurodiversity and the state education system. It is written, performed and presented by Small Steed Theatre a neurodivergent led company.

Praktisk info

Enjoy-kode: 174741
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Tilgjengelige billetter

19/09 2024 kl 19:30
Bridge House 2 High Street Penge LONDON
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